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Training program

  1. Overview
  2. Taxable operations
  3. Taxable and non-taxable person
  4. Place of supply of goods
  5. Place of supply of services
  6. VAT exemption
  7. Date of supply 
  8. Liable for VAT
  9. VAT rates
  10. VAT deduction right
  11. International transaction (import / Export)


Anne Benoit 

VAT partner at Fidal Law Firm 

Anne started her career in 2000 in Arthur Andersen International in the VAT department as tax lawyer. Between 2002 and 2013 she worked as Senior Tax Manager in the VAT team at PwC avocats. She also spent two years seconded in PwC Slovakia (Bratislava) at the time Slovakia just entered the EU and implemented VAT. Since 2013, Anne works with Fidal, which was correspondent law firm to KPMG until 2019. Fidal is now part of the WTS Global network

Training details

Duration2 training sessions
Dates27 May 2024, hours 9:00 – 12:00
28 May 2022, hours 13:00 – 16:00
Placelive on-line workshop
Price440 EURO net + VAT/per participant
DiscountFor registration until 18 March:
/ 10% – individual discount
/ 15% – group discount – 2 people or more