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Training program

  1. Administration – forms, filing requirements etc.
  2. Frequency of filing VAT returns and other reporting requirements such as Intrastats, annual returns etc
  3. Obtaining input tax credits
  4. Irish Revenue enquiries – format, documentation required, electronic communication, flexibility
  5. Correcting errors on returns – thresholds, methodology
  6. Bad debt relief rules and repayment of input tax owing
  7. Credit notes and memos
  8. Future developments (e.g. split payments etc.)
  9. Completing the VAT return box by box
  10. Postponed VAT accounting for imports
  11. Input tax deductibility rules
  12. Deemed supplies where there is no consideration
  13. Definition of supply of goods and services specific to Ireland


Ruth Corkin 

Principal (Partner) Indirect Tax

Ruth has been involved with VAT for over 30 years. She started her VAT career as a Customs and Excise Officer in Essex and then moved into consultancy with a variety of well-known accountancy firms. She is well known in the VAT world and is the proud author of many articles and technical works. 

She was responsible for the national training for VAT staff at manager level and below at Grant Thornton UK LLP and regularly presents educational seminars for one of the leading VAT training providers.

Training details

Duration2 training sessions
Dates23 May 2024, hours 13:00 – 16:00
24 May 2024, hours 9:00 – 12:00
Placelive on-line workshop
Price440 EURO net + VAT/per participant
DiscountFor registration until 18 March:
/ 10% – individual discount
/ 15% – group discount – 2 people or more