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Training program

  1. Introduction
  2. Taxable persons
  3. Supply of goods
  4. Supply of services
  5. Reverse charge
  6. Intra-community acquisitions
  7. Import
  8. Tax points
  9. VAT rates
  10. Exemptions
  11. Deduction and refund of VAT
  12. VAT returns
  13. Invoices
  14. Tax audits
  15. Penalties
  16. Q&A


Harmen Teeuwsen

Senior Manager Indirect Tax, BDO

Harmen has over 13 years of experience in VAT works as a Senior Manager at BDO. He is special in international trade and real estate. He also assists client with compliance services. During years Harmen has gained a lot of experience in field VAT. Besides this he advises in other ind tax areas such as real estate transfer tax and insurance premium tax. Harmen likes to combine the technical and practical sides of VAT. On a regular basis he publishes articles in fiscal journals.

Training details

Duration2 training sessions
Dates15 May 2024, hours 9:00 – 12:00
16 May 2024, hours 13:00 – 16:00
Placelive on-line workshop
Price440 EURO net + VAT/per participant
DiscountFor registration until 18 March:
/ 10% – individual discount
/ 15% – group discount – 2 people or more