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Training program

  1. Overview of Singapore GST 
  2. Registration and compliance 
  3. Understanding how GST works
  4. Cross border transactions and GST schemes to alleviate cash flow
  5. Understanding fringe benefits input tax    claims
  6. GST updates and common pitfalls 
  7. Wrap-Up and feedback 


Eu Chin Sien

Executive Director, Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Head of GST at BDO Tax Advisory Pte Ltd

Chin Sien has extensive GST experience as both a regulator and advisor for over 26 years. An Accredited Tax Advisor with the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals (SCTP), she began her career as a GST auditor at the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). 

Training details

Duration2 training sessions
Dates19 May 2025, hours 9am – 12pm CET
20 May 2025, hours 9am – 12pm CET
Placelive on-line workshop
Price445 EURO net + VAT/per participant
DiscountFor registration until 18 March:
/ 10% – individual discount
/ 15% – group discount – 2 people or more